It’s true – Ask and you WILL receive!
I really tend to forget how far I’ve come! To think what I’m doing now and the person I’ve become, compared to just 3 years ago, when I didn’t know myself, I was looking for answers everywhere else, except from own self. I felt I had nothing to give, but I held a deep longing.. a longing for something so much more.
And that deep desire within me is what gave me the inspiration to keep moving, to keep seeking, to keep improving myself, which started with the physical aspect of things – taking part in 100 mile bike rides, triathlons, moving up in my then office job, and working on my body and appearance. But after the physical desires had run their course, I was still wanting more. There were only so many miles I could put my little legs through, and I knew that the constant impact on my body was not sustainable in the long-run. And on top of that, my periods stopped, which I can’t say is the definite effect from the overexercising, but it seems likely.
So then what? How could I continue to feel good about myself, to feel I was growing in some way, without the triathlons and ridiculously long bike rides? I didn’t have an answer. So to fill up my time, I went on a few holidays, and when at home, I would just cook, eat, and drink wine. But the desire for more was still burning inside of me.
One day while scrolling on social media, an offer popped up from a yoga teacher – she was offering 121 sessions for a very good price. I made a quick decision and went for it, which could have been the most life-changing decision I’ve ever made. I quickly then realised how impactful the practise of yoga really was, and there began my journey of transformation. And the journey doesn’t ever end, because my desire for more is even stronger now than it was back then.
Moral of the story – find out what your want – even it’s just to be more, to expand from what you currently are into something greater – feel it, and know that you are meant for more, and in time, it will come.