Why to we practise Sun Salutations in Yoga? What is the significance, if any?
There is huge significance! Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskara in Sankrit, means to worship the Sun. Since ancient times, yogis have been worshipping the Sun in various ways, including prayer and asanas/body movements.
But why do we do it? The Sun provides a multitude of benefits to all life on planet Earth. Here are just a few:
Life– Creatures, beings and plants need the Sun to survive and grow. Without the Sun, we would not be living, so it is vital that the Sun continues to shine down upon us.
Energy – When the sunlight enters our eyes, it stimulates the parts of your retina that then cue your brain to produce serotonin. Serotonin appears to play a role in regulating mood, emotions, appetite, and digestion, creating energy from within.
Positivity – We tend to feel happier, more uplifted on brighter days full of sunshine. Everything just seems that little bit brighter, even if you only feel this subconsciously.
Clarity – The Sun helps us see and think more clearly. It clears away the clouds and fog, helping us feel more at calm and at ease, giving us clarity.
Power and confidence – The Sun holds its own unwavering power; the roaring fire never ceases. The Sun doesn’t stop shining or dimming it’s light in fear of what others may think. We can cultivate that power and confidence within us. It’s already there – we just need to tap into it.
Peace – Sun gazing or watching the sunrise/sunset helps us to naturally feel at ease. It helps us to remember that everything will work out. We are never stuck. There is a solution to every problem.
Direction – The Sun is the guiding light that keeps us on track. The ancient travellers would use the location of the Sun to determine the time and the direction that they were moving. We can foster this inner compass within us, to always know which way to turn and to tap into our intuition to guide us further.
So this is why we should all practise Sun Salutations. The Sun gives us many benefits, so it’s always nice to give a little thanks ❤