Some days..

Some days I feel happy, other days I feel sad,

And on the days I’m feeling sad I judge myself for feeling bad,

Some weeks I feel content, optimistic and focused,

Other weeks I feel confused, frustrated and hopeless.

Sometimes upon waking, I struggle out of bed, but other times I wake early, and can’t wait to get ahead.

And some days when the sun shines, the light dissolves the clouds from my mind.. my eyes have a new sense of sight, and I have a feeling that everything’s gonna be alright.

But some other days when the outside looks bleak, I lose my motivation, and my mind becomes weak.

Sometimes I wonder, “What is the point?”. Shall I give up the “hustle”, or will I disappoint?

So I stop with the posting, I give up needing likes, I come back to myself, to readjust & realign.

In this new space, I open my mind, I let go of the thoughts and leave them behind.

I come back to base, and move forwards with grace,

And then someone tells me, “What you said helped me”,

And in that moment, I know, that I’m doing alright.

So if you too suffer, with the highs and the lows, remember it’s all part of this life as we grow..

Our emotions pop up as a signal and guide, to show where we’re off-track, so we evolve, and realise..

That to rise we must fall, and this happens to all..

So ensure not to stay down for too long.. get back up and sing a new song.