Yoga Retreat Essex – Sunday 2nd March

I’m VERY excited to announce a NEW mini yoga retreat in Essex! This day will be about learning the tools to connect with your inner guidance system – your intuition – your soul.

✨ Learn how to connect to yourself and to your inner guidance system. Realise your true desires and start living a life of meaning and purpose. ✨

For just £49.00, you can expect 3 hours of:

Cacao Ceremony & Intention Setting
Developing Trust in Yourself – Presentation
Meditation & Energy Healing
Yoga Practise for All Levels
Sound Healing
Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation

• Feels stagnant or stuck in life

• Feels frustrated

• Is fed up with wasting time on the wrong things

• Doesn’t know the right path

• Often feels confused

• Lacks the tools or knowledge to feel balanced

• Feels disconnected from themselves

• Wants to feel centred and at peace

•.Wants to tap into their intuition

Using a combination of transformational tools, you will be taken on a journey back to your true self, the one that you have hidden underneath the layers of avoidance patterns, fears, and distractions.

This transformational event will teach you how you have been living in your mind rather than your heart and rejecting the wisdom that lies dormant within you—keeping you disconnected and unaligned with yourself and your purpose.

Overcome feelings of:

• Overwhelm

• Confusion

• Stagnancy

• Procrastination

• Depression

• Anxiety

By doing just one thing—connecting to your internal guidance system: your compass, your heart, which is the gateway to your soul.

Learn tools that help you detach from incessant thoughts and connect back to your center. The “center” is the place where you are in harmony with life. Where you don’t need to intellectualise everything. You don’t need to ask for advice or do a number of different courses to prove your knowledge or worth. When centered, your intuition is strong. You are in touch with your feelings, and you know what is right or wrong for you.

The “gut feeling” term comes from this connection to Self. Rather than thinking your way through every situation, you feel it almost instantly. 💡

This process not only saves time but also gives you a deep sense of clarity, inner knowing, and peace of mind.

You already have this guidance system within you, but society has taught you to seek knowledge by looking outside yourself for answers or by thinking your way through things.

You’ve never been taught how to feel what is right for you.

Times are changing, and it’s time for our up-levelling. It’s time to wake up from the cocoon we’ve kept ourselves hibernating in, and to reconnect with ourselves.

There is a different way of living that most of us have not been taught. Think:

Freedom 🌈

Love ❤️

Adventure 🌍

Self-Worth 💎

Creativity 🎨

Fun 🎉

You CAN have it all, and you will learn how during our day together.

It’s now more important than ever that we start to tap into our inner wisdom.

This day will include:
🍫 A Cacao Ceremony & Intention Setting
📖 Developing Trust in Yourself – Presentation
🧘‍♀️ Meditation & Energy Healing
🧘‍♂️ Yoga Practise for All Levels
🎶 Sound Healing
🛌 Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation

I hope to see you there! Let me know if any questions – or contact me here.

All the best,
Jaqui x