The Law of Attraction taught us that whatever we want, we can have. So why don’t we still have the car, the house, the relationship of our dreams? I’ve learned that things don’t just fall on our lap. And the ‘Law of Attraction’ has been taught wrong, so no matter how much you visualise the car, the home, the relationship, it most likely will not come.
So, if you’re sitting around waiting for something to happen, then I’m sorry to break it to you, but it never will.
But even with knowing this, maybe you still don’t feel the motivation to do anything. It might seem far easier to just stay put where you are. And maybe you think back to previous times, where you felt unstoppable, like you had unlimited enthusiasm and energy; your ‘mojo’ was on fire, you were building momentum.. and then you come back to the present moment, here and now, and even just to get up off the sofa to grab the remote seems like a challenge. It’s a far cry from that high-flyer that you once were. So what happened?
There’s a reason that you feel this way.
You most likely have a blocked sacral chakra. This is the chakra/energy center located around your navel, sexual organs, and lower back. Being blocked here keeps you feeling unmotivated, stagnant, low energy, low libido, low mood, and just plain stuck. You may also see physical evidence from this, which can take form in many different ailments in and around the location of this energy center, e.g lower back pain, reproductive issues, kidney, bladder infections etc.

There are all sorts of reasons why you may have blockages here, mainly stemming from your childhood, where you may have learned that love was only given to you upon certain conditions. This creates false beliefs about yourself and the world, and it’s a vicious self-perpetuating cycle, as you hold onto fears of rejection, whether that be consciously or subconsciously. These fears and lower emotions cause the blockage, because the e-motions (meaning energy in motion), cannot flow through the body as intended.
With my Rahanni Celestial Healing, I summon higher frequencies from celestial beings, which are able to clear through blocked energy centers, bringing you back into a natural, balanced, harmonious state. These higher frequencies know exactly what parts of you need to be healed, and I am the conduit of which these healing energies move through.
After these healing sessions, and the days following on, you will most likely start to feel different. You might have different thoughts or ideas that pop into your mind, you might feel a burst of energy, and you will begin to feel more like YOU.

There’s a lot more that can be said about Rahanni healing, so feel free to contact me for more info, or book a free 30 minute discovery call below.